John Entwistle’s Bass Guitar Gear
About this page
Analysis of John Entwistle’s bass gear. Although John was an avid collector of basses and guitars, this section will focus on his stage- and studio-used instruments only. As with the drums page, we are soliciting any and all assistance with building out the details here. If you have a contribution, please contact Whotabs.
Welcome to Whotabs’ attempt at cataloguing John Entwistle’s stage bass gear. Given John’s infamous guitar and bass collection, and the book, Bass Culture, the John Entwistle Collection, which documents his collection, this section of the ever-growing Gear section will focus on John’s stage (and studio) bass guitars and amplification.
Unlike the Pete Townshend gear section, this overview is divided into “eras,” which combine the bass guitars and amplification onto a single page. Each page of this section essentially represents an era — a period in which John established a particular approach to his sound, even if he made modifications or changes throughout.
To get started, choose an era from the menu, below, and listen for the thunder.
As always, these pages are under constant revision — and rely on you to provide clarifications and corrections. So, if you’ve got an addition or correction, please contact Whotabs.